

Carlisle Trash Collection Operations During COVID-19

We are thinking about you as our valued client – as well as your health and safety, and to help alleviate your fears, worries and concerns. Remember, we are also Carlisle residents ourselves. We are all in this together. ..

What is nice is that our services are ‘no contact’ services, which already puts us at an advantage in maintaining Social Distancing guidelines.

-We are taking the necessary steps to increase the safety of our employees and workplaces during this challenging time.
-We do not have to come to your door.
-We do not have to come inside your home..
-We take online payments.
-We allow our clients to purchase services online.
-We can price and estimate jobs without needing to meet with clients (We can use our patented online tools to measure a property and then communicate via email or telephone). This allows us to minimize contact with clients (ex: phone meetings instead of in person meetings, video conferencing, pausing leaving door hangers after services, give a ‘ball park’ price for services over the phone/email based on Zillow or other database data and adjust if needed after initial visit.
-Work can be performed when our clients are not home or in doors.
-We wear gloves and change them at each job.
-We are all about sanitation and disinfecting by keeping and sanitizer and cleaning products on us and in the trucks/vehicles at all times.
-Provide cleaner and wipes for wiping down trucks and equipment each day
-We stagger crew start times.
-We keep the same team members on the same crews.
-We will reduce the size of any larger crews.
-We hold team meetings online as well as outside or in bigger spaces & maintain 6 feet distances between everyone.

Our health – both yours and our employees’ – are our number one concern and priority during this unprecedented time. If you have any other questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us right away. We appreciate your business!

We are proud supporters of the Annual 6th Grade Spaghetti Supper!

Request A Quote & Sign Up For Service Today!